Another visit to Oceanside
This is the third book in the Oceanside series. This book deals with a new couple but Nat and Owen from book one appear in this one on several occasions.
I really like Cave and Jojo, but I found it really difficult to warm to Ransom. In fact he seriously pissed me off a lot of the time. He was often self-centred and seemed to care more about his career than Cave once he was no longer in the same room as him.
This is why I rarely read established pop star stories. These people are in a position to have a positive impact on getting acceptance for the lgbtq community but instead choose to hide behind lies and deceit. I'm not saying every lgbtq artist has to come out to the public but there is a big difference between keeping your sexuality private and purposely weaving a web of lies that ultimately implies that being lgbtq is something to be ashamed of. And this is what made me so mad at Ransom.
However the story is well written, the baby is adorable (as is the manny) and Ransom does finally get his head out of his arse for long enough to give us a happy ending. Plus your opinion of Ransom may differ from mine, you may think he's a tortured soul, trapped in an impossible situation *mutters unfavourable things under my breath* Anyway, not always liking a character isn't a deal breaker, hence the four star review.